Superb hand-stretched prints are available in various sizes on 100% pure archival cotton canvas and fully UV protected.

Please select ‘framed’ or ‘unframed’ from the drop-down box before adding an item to the shopping cart.

Looks Can Deceive by artist Diarmid Doody

‘Looks Can Deceive’

16” x 24”

Unframed : £110  /  Framed : £170


24” x 36”

Unframed : £140  /  Framed : £250

The 24” x 36” print is also available framed in the identical wood and plaster frame as the original seen at the Nation Exhibition of Wildlife Art for £375


Night Stroll by artist Diarmid Doody

‘Night Stroll’

20” x 24”

Unframed : £110  /  Framed : £170


24” x 32”

Unframed : £140  /  Framed : £250


Snow Leopard by artist Diarmid Doody

‘Snow Leopard
- Master of the Mountains’

16” x 24”

Unframed : £110  /  Framed : £170


24” x 36”

Unframed : £140  /  Framed : £250